💕Russian lashes start from £1.99💕Free shipping on orders over £15💕
We currently ship internationally
We pack and dispatch all orders very quickly!
Royal Mail
All orders placed before 8pm Monday to Thursday will be dispatched at 8am the morning after. All orders placed Friday to Sunday will be dispatched at 8am on Monday morning or in the event of a public holiday, the next working day. Occasionally when high volumes of orders are received a 1-2 day order processing time might occur before your order is dispatched.
Please bear in mind Royal Mail are experiencing delays due to covid-19.
We do not shipped orders on weekends
If you placed an order on Friday after 11 am or Saturday your order will be shipped the following Monday even if you choose the Next Day Delivery option
If you have any questions please email us at www.sublimelashes@net-shopping.com and allow us at least 24 hours for a reply.